
A Note from me

So as 2013 comes to an end...I wonder...what have I learned about myself?

I'm one tough cookie! Going to school full-time while taking care of three boys schedule, working in a fourth boy's schedule so I can have time with him. Then figuring out how to keep the house clean, clothes clean, dishes clean.....which most of time they weren't all done  at the same time..lol :)

I have a lot of work in the mommy department. I KNOW I am never gonna get to that "Susie Homemaker" point....but  I still have things I need to do. Like nights before bedtime, spend an extra few minutes with each child...just for them. I have wanted to do this, but I have been so stuck on getting them in bed, so that I can hurry to my textbooks. I want to teach them more about humility and doing more for others. They are pretty good now, but I want them to be better. I want them to know the world is more than them.

I don't have many friends. Not complaining. Not a pity party. Just a fact. I am a Stay-AT-home mom. I literally didn't have the time to get out to get with friends. People have their own schedules, work, families, so it's hard to coordinate everything. That is one thing that school helped with...I met people, got to meet new people, got to laugh with new friends.

I have learned more empathy and sympathy for people. A lot of it has come back to my internship with Rowan Helping Ministries in 2011 and 2012, but I think it keeps growing the more and more I look around me. So much pain and problems going on around us and there's sooo much to be done, yet not enough being done...and I WANT to. What are the solutions? I don't know...but my goal is to figure things out for some.

I still have sooo many questions. Like, why do people treat people the way they do? Just as I said in my blog in Feb, Changing views, I just can't see why people can't love everyone. Why can't we just show God's unconditional  love? That means without conditions...without prerequisites...without people having to be in our certain circles...or look a way we want them to...have the money we think they should...act the way we think they should. Why can't we smile at a person for no reason? Why is it that so many people have scowls on their faces? Is it because they have never been smiled at before? 

Why do we jump at the chance to criticize people? We are in a society that hurries to jump on people's throats, that we don't stop to TALK to people like we used to. When we had problems with people, we used to go to the person and say "Hey...what's up? This is my problem with what you (said/did). Can we talk about it?" Maybe not in those exact words, but we at least tried to speak to the person. We didn't freeze them out. I was taught that if you had a problem with a person, you GO to that person. Although I know that's not necessarily easy nowadays, you can message/e-mail/Skype/etc. them.

I guess Facebook has become our shouting arena. Say something, someone else YELLS back, an argument ensues, and relationships fall apart. Or the other extreme....Say something, another doesn't like it, the other person says something, and "unfriends" them. Again, leading to the relationship falling apart. One~ Instead of trying to start something, just calmly state your position. Two~ realize you both are coming from different points. You don't have to jump all over them. Just be willing to talk. Three~ talk it out....you don't have to tear the person down in order to get your point across! That only makes the person defensive. You can be constructive without being DEstructive. 

Maybe sometimes I care too much. I want to be able to save everyone's feelings/relationships that I hate to see them being tore apart by not taking each other as a person instead of a computer screen. In today's society, that is what most people see instead of the person behind it. Also when we are in public, we forget to see the people around them. Look up, see that person around you. That woman with a crying child might have just gotten news that she has cancer and is zoned out. Don't be so quick to judge that she's not disciplining him. The man that cut in front of you in the store....might be rushing to the hospital to get to his daughter. The out-of-control child running in the aisle...might have a disorder that he can't control his impulse control. 

So look up...smile at the woman with the scowl. Let the man cut in line. Write a message to that person who you were angry with. Don't ignore that person beside you just because they are wearing ratty clothes. We are all people. We are are worthy of love. God's love. God's unconditional love. 

So....I started this post as one on me....but it took a turn...maybe someone reading it needed to read this, needed to hear something. I hope so :) Love to all and hope everyone had a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Christmas. Have a WONDERFUL and SAFE New Year.