
My Five Things

** My fridge **

~1% Milk
~fish waiting to be cooked
~2 jars of pickles (one hot flavored)
~mandarin oranges (Mark's new obsession)
~Slim Fast that really needs to be thrown away...been in there forever
** My purse **

~5 pens (down from my normal number since a little someone keeps stealing them hehe)
~marriage licence (have no idea why I carry it around hehe)
** (what will be) The Baby Room **

~car seat
~garbage bag full of bottles
~diaper genie
~bottle cooler

** (messy) Closet ** (the reason I need a storage building hehe)

~ hunting clothes
~suitcase full of Lewis' matchbox cars
~Christmas decorations
~4 suitcases (not like we go anywhere)
~an old comforter

** Computer **

~my faithful Sprite (all I can drink)
~cleaning rag
~a pic of the kids and Lewis
~my broken bracelet :(


Mel said...

What an AWESOME closet!! That sucker could be a bedroom!! Do you even know how many shoes I could fit in there....sweet!

Nicole said...

you'd better get busy in the baby room! LOL

~Crystal~ said...

I'm loving that closet too! WOW!