

...I forget why I fell in love you, but something always brings me back:

~to that first glance...and I saw you.

~to that first smile....that melted my heart (you know how I love your dimples)

~to those first words....that captivated my ears.

~to that first staring contest...when I saw into your soul.

~to that first kiss....that sent chills.

~to the songs we heard that made you tear up.....making you wish for a future together.

~to the first I Love You....even tho I said it first :)

~to that time we went to Blowing Rock...and I "proposed" to you

~to that night you proposed to me...tho it was wasn't the day you had in mind.

~to that day going to the courthouse....to become husband and wife.

~to those tears of happiness.....that we both cried.

~to those smiles of glee.....which neither of us could get off our faces.

To the many years to come...as we grow old together.

Happy 6th Anniversary!!


Staci said...

Congrats girl!!!! We just celebrated 8 years!