
Life is busy

Well, summer is a third over and I've not done anything I've wanted to do yet :( Hopefully this month I will get to do the things I've mentioned.

School will be over soon :) and I will have my Associates degree. So excited :)

Dean is teething, so he's not sleeping good. I'm NOT a morning person, but I've kinda turned into a person who can handle the morning now. Dean hasn't liked to sleep in lately, so I'm up early.

I've started working out. I got the Wii Fit from ebay and am serious about doing it. I spent an hour doing it today. I worked up a sweat too.

I've been going to the chiropractor last Fri, yesterday, and today. Two more days and he said he should have my back realigned. I don't know if he will or not. He said I would be feeling better the last few days...hasn't happened. I have headaches and backaches almost every evening...it's driving me nutz! I want to feel better so I can be better. Maybe one day.