
The "i" generation

Everything is "i" this and "i" that. No...I'm not  specifically saying the selfish "I," but it will come into play.

I'm talking about "iPhone,""iPad," smart things (smart phones, smart houses, smart tvs).

This has been bothering me for a while, but it kinda came to a peak about 2 months ago.

First, it bothers me because soooo many things are being  connected to "i" technology. L and I don't have "i" anything, so I always pick around and say "Soon, we won't be able to do anything...we will be like the Amish"...lol. "i" technology seems to make ppl so dependent on it, because if you don't have it, you won't know what to do. Just like simple apps of Facebook....it keeps you connected to the internet and wanting to check it all the time. I can't get on Fb with my phone. I have to actually be ON a computer or my Kindle (which still has to be near WiFi), so if I'm away from home, I'm disconnected. Which, if anyone reading this tries to message me and I don't get back right away, it is because I haven't gotten on my computer (because I sometimes go a day or two without being online).

Secondly (and it is in conjunction with the first), we don't see the world around us. This is my peak of being peeved about it. L and I had gone out to a nice  restaurant for a nice dinner since we had all 3 boys being at their Paw-Paw's house.  While there, a couple across from us sat down. The woman got on her phone. Now, the  restaurant wasn't well lit, so you could see the glare of the phone. The man was trying to talk to her. He finally had to clap his hands at her to get her attention. She put the phone to the side.....for a few minutes. Then she started typing away. Now granted....it may have been important...it might have had to do with the kids...but she was ignoring the person she was with. Then about 10 mintues later...they both were typing away on their phones. Yep...I got irked...because here's a time to be with someone and she...then both...were ignoring the other person.

As we left the  restaurant, I counted how many ppl were on their phones. In the 5 booths we passed by, there were 7 ppl on their phones. So out of about 10-12 ppl, over half were on their phones. So, they weren't experiencing each others company...they were online, texting, talking to someone else.

I understand when emergencies happen...I understand when you need to communicate to a babysitter....I understand about something that has to be tended to right then. I just have a hard time thinking every one of them had an  emergency during that time.

Is it too hard for us to disconnect? Is it so difficult for us to put down that phone and actually see the person with us? People don't have the same connections as they used to. People talk to others thru their phones and internet. It's not all bad....but we need to get back in connection with our friends and family....face-to-face or actually taking the time to call and speak with them. I'm guilty of it as well. I have some family and friends I need to call. 

So quit reading this and go call or visit :)