
First grade presentation

For a project at school, D and a few of his classmates had to do a presentation. They weren't given much to go off of, so they did it about the "Lost and Found." When people would walk to their spot, they would explain about why so much stuff was in the Lost and Found, why people didn't get their stuff from there, and what types of things were there. 

You never know how your child will do in front of strangers or in high pressure (to them) situations....but we were soooooo proud of them. They did awesome.

This is D and his friend giving the presentation to me and her mom. At first they kept their heads toward the boards, so it was tough to hear them....but as the time went, they didn't have to.
Them talking to someone about the Lost and Found
Starting to get into it.
Telling their music teacher allll about it
As D got more and more comfortable, he started talking with his hands 😂😂😂
And if someone tried to walk away before their presentation, D would say "Oh wait...there's more!" 😂😂😂
Or even might say "I'm not done....we have more information" 

I wish I had gotten a picture, but this was the last thing that happened:
D and his friend did the presentation for the superintendent. When he was done, this is what he said:
"Ok. That's all we have.........would you like a picture with us?"
Cracked his teacher up 😂😂😂