
Please don't critize me

Kinda a rant~ just need to vent

I'm was looking into some new insurance the other day. The guy calls to find out info. Well, I tell him that Mark is diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. Then he begins to take our birthdays. Here's a part of our conversation:

Me: Gives Mark's b-day
Him: Oh~ he's only 4?
Me: Yeah
Him: And he's already diagnosed with ADHD and ODD?
Me: Yeah
Him: Just sounds like being a 4 year old to me. I have a 4 year old and she can be kinda wild, but that's just being 4.
Me:Well, he was having problems at school and at home
Him: I have a 4 year old and a 7 year old. My four year old can get rowdy and everything. Sometimes she doesn't listen. That's just a part of being 4.

EXCUSE ME??? Does he know my child? All he knows is that he's 4 and he assumes that there's nothing wrong?

Let me be clear with everyone. I wrestled for many months about taking him to the doctor. I knew something was going on and figured what it was. Just was trying to not take him to the doctor~ I knew what they'd say. I just know that a lot of parents use these conditions as crutches for not wanting to parent.

The past year everything has been going crazy. I just didn't want to resort to going to the doctor. I wanted to be "Super Mommy" and be able to handle it. Then it got so bad that he was even having problems in pre-school. It was to the point that I was in tears almost every night and was so discouraged. I had tried all kinds of discipline. I had tried all kind of reward incentives. I had tried the taking away of toys. I was at my wits end. I had no reserve left. I HAD to get help. If I didn't, I'd be in a nut house.

Since being on medicine, he is doing awesome in school. He's been paying more attention in school. At home, he's been able to get one "project" done before having to hop up and do something different. He's more compliant. He's listening better. He's getting better sleep at night.

If you don't agree, it's ok. A lot of people don't agree with children being put on drugs for these conditions. To each his own. Some people NEED them. My son is one of them

As someone told me when I was wrestling with this~ "If your child was sick, wouldn't you treat it?" That's what I'm doing. Helping him stay well.