
Easily amused

I am very easily amused. I get tickled at the simplest things. Lewis thinks it's funny. Here's a couple of examples:

**A joke I read the other day that cracks me up every time I say it:
A pirate walks into a bar with a paper towel on his head. The bartender asks "Why do you have the paper towel on your head?" The pirate replies "Arggg. I have a Bounty on my head" (I'm even cracking up as I write this hehe)

**We were watching Dirty Jobs the other day. He was at an egg farm. They had so much technology there. It was amazing. They had conveyor belts that ran under the chickens to catch the eggs and another to catch poop. Then they had a conveyor that ran over a light source so they could see if the eggs were good or not. And other things too, but these are the main ones I can think of

Then they had a place in the farm where they bagged up the broken eggs (ones they couldn't sell in a dozen, but were still good) and would send to bakeries and such. After they bagged them, they put them in a box and ran them under a machine that taped the box shut.

I said "Oooo cool" Lewis looks at me...pauses the program and looks back at me. He then says "All this technology that the whole farm has and you think that the machine that tapes the box shut is cool" I started laughing like crazy.