
6 Months

My baby's 6 months now

He loves to smile......
.....and laugh

He wears 6 month clothes, tho this outfit was 9 months

He loves to pose

He's in love with music. If he's cranky, put on music. He goes to choir practice with me and even sometimes "sings" with us. When the music stops, he lets the director know that he's ready for it to come back on

He crinkles his nose at ya now

He loves to sit on the vent. It's so funny (he has a little hernia~ that's why his belly button sticks out like that. It looks so wierd, but the doc says it should go away by 18 months)

Crinkle nose while on the vent hehe

He still only has one tooth
He is getting better at crawling
He has started pulling up on things
He hasn't really gotten into baby food~ put that on hold for a bit
He will make you laugh at him "talking" to you
He's my babydoll


~Crystal~ said...

He's so cute!

Staci said...

Oh he's not a baby anymore :-(
I need a baby. LOL. I heard a baby crying in church today and I got all gushy inside wanting a baby, but they don't stay that way long enough to really enjoy them!!!! When they are that little you want them to hurry up and grow so you can get back to normal, then when they do, you cry because you want them to be a baby again!
I love his smile.