

Didn't realize it had been sooo long. Seems as tho I'm always apologizing, but I'll quit apologizing after this one~ I'm sorry. Just remember that when I'm late again :)

Well, mom's back home. She came home that Sun. She had a UTI that she ignored and it became poisonous to her body.

Me, Trevor, Mark, and my BF went down to see her that week. She's doing ok, but not as good as she wants you to believe. We spent Wed.-Sun. in Ga. She got to see Trevor for the first time. So sweet. I talked to my dad last week, and he said that they(her therapist and in home nurse) want to get mom to get a motorized wheelchair and a "porta-potty" by her bed so that she won't have to go into the bathroom. Gonna be hard to convince her, but we'll see.

We don't know how much longer she's gonna be around. Just pray.

My mom and Trevor when we first got there
Poor baby was so tired
Trev mesmerized by his grandpa
Me and my parents
Nana and Grandpa with two of their boys
On the way down, we stopped at a McDonalds and they had these on the wall. I was so surprised, but happy.

Parking spot at an Ingle's in Ga.