
My last one.....

So....in the later part of 2009, L and I came to a deciding point. It was either: try one more time for a girl or go ahead and "get fixed." We discussed it for a while. Then, when we got news that L was going back to his job that he had been at for over 20 yrs. So we decided.....ONE more time.....and THAT was it....lol.

So, we started trying. Then, just like the other 3, the hiccups came.....which if you read the post about Mark , you know that that is my "clue" :) It was pretty much an easy pregnancy. My first (Ross) and my last were my easiest. The ones in between were the sickness ones. I think I only had morning sickness a few times...which I was soooooo happy about :) I could enjoy this pregnancy.

And of course, with having other kids, we got the same questions all the time: 
"You know what causes that, right?" 
"You going to try again if this one's a boy?" 
"Is this your last one?" 
"Are you crazy?" 
"What are you going to do if it's a boy?"

I went to find out what the baby was. As soon as I went there, I KNEW it was a boy. I almost didn't want to go thru with it because I was thinking "What's the point? I already know."  I think the only reason I really did it was because I was doing this with my step-daughter (who was living with us at the time). As she got to see the sonogram and see the baby, I loved watching her amazement. Then we got to find out what the baby was.....and I was right....another boy. 

As I found out my due date, it was VERY close to my step-daughters b-days. Yes, I said b-dayS. They are 2 yrs apart, but have the same b-day. Neither induced or anything. So.... it was going to be interesting. As time got closer, I asked the doc about his weight. I was once again worried about how big my baby was going to be. With my first 2, I had bad problems with how big my babies were. They technically weren't big, but my body had problems. She helped me with Trev not having that problem, so I was hoping that once again, she'd be careful. (If you are curious about this, you can ask...I have no problem talking about it....I just figure it's TMI for some people and they would rather not hear about it...lol)

So she was monitoring the weight of what she thought he was going to be. She decided to induce at 39 weeks. I really wasn't looking forward to being induced, but at the same time, it was keeping him from coming on the girls b-day...lol. So L, my step-daughter that lived with us at the time, and I came in at 6am in the morning to begin the process.  Trev had been induced and so I figured it'd be the same....nope. I really don't think he was ready. I also believe the doc thought he was going to be heavier than he was.

I was blessed with the people in the room with me. L, of course, was there :)  and as I mentioned, we allowed one of my step-daughters to be in the process. Also, I had a great friend be in there. Her husband had been there during the day with us while she was in work, but when the time came to push, he left to be with our other step-daughter in the waiting room. My friend was there and stayed beside my step-daughter while L stayed beside me. It was a longggg day.

The baby was born at 5:25 PM. I guess when it came to pushing, he was willing to let me off easy, because it only took a few pushes....whew...lol.  At that time, we still hadn't figured out a name. We had tossed around 2 names, but STILL weren't sure. Once the baby was weighed (6 lbs, 7 oz), even the doc looked shocked. We were expecting larger. Smallest baby I had had. Then, I looked at L.... well??? what now??? We needed a name! The nurse looked at us "What's his name going to be?" I kept looking at L..... finally L said "Dean Austin" And thus our little DeanDean :)

He has been slow learning things. In terms of "milestones," he is always on the line. Such as walking....the timeline is 18 months....well, he waited til that 18 months. Words are slow for him to come, but he works on them. I am the main one to understand him. Sentences are well made, but he is working on it.  However, this allows me to enjoy every step longer with him. I think with every other boy, I was in too much of a hurry to want them to walk, want them to talk, want them to do something. With him taking his own schedule and doing his own time table, yet still learning, he's allowing me to enjoy it longer, appreciate him longer, and letting me appreciate more of the wonder around him longer....taking it all in thru HIS eyes longer.

He is a total laid back child. Yes, he can get stressed...yes he can get an attitude....but he is sooo lovable, so happy, and so easily amazed by things....which I love. He is my calming in the storm of boys running around....because he will come and snuggle with mommy when the others will run around and fight. He is the one who will grab my camera and take pictures then ask you to take a picture of him. He is always willing to try new things and sit with you to watch you do something. He will show you what he has learned then ask if he can go learn something else.

Here is a song someone at church made up about him in nursery and he giggles everytime

Dean...Dean....the butterbean
Stuck his head in a washing machine
Cammmmmmeeee out allllll
Nice and cleannnnnnn