
OK!!!!! OK!!! Enough!!!

Well, didn't keep up my word last time, did I? lol ...So I am going to this time. With all the things I am trying to do for my kids to help them remember their family and to have later on down the road, I REALLY need to do this!!

So, I'm gonna kinda start over. I'm not going to get rid of ANY of my previous posts, but I am going to restart so that I don't feel as tho I'm having to go back the last few years that I've missed out doing this...then maybe I won't feel as pressured and I'll actually stick to it this time:)

So...I am Gretchen. 
*a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). 
*however, I am in college and 3 semesters away from getting my degree~~ Finally!! :) 
*love to read, which my Kindle Fire comes in real handy for :) 
*have always loved crafts, but until "meeting" my online friend, Crystal, who is so creative, and reconnecting with my old High School friend, Staci, who is always doing something (plus, being quietly jealous of another internet friend that does AMAZING crafts), I have been stepping up my game :) Plus, I think my kids are enjoying the extra stuff they get to help with :)
*love trying anything new. Used to be scared to try anything new...not anymore :)

I am married to Lewis (usually referred to as L) 
*loves bowling. He can usually come home and tell me what he bowled each frame (yet can't tell me what I asked him 5 mins. ago...lol) Still waiting on that 300..has plenty of 299's
*loves hunting. He's waiting on that big buck to come (plus a hunting trip in Wisconsin :) )
*loves playing online hearts :)
*has to be pried to go try new things. He will, it just takes time :) 

My 11 yr old boy is Ross (I sometimes call him Rosserdo..lol..not something a growing boy wants to hear..lol)
*lives with his father, but his father, step-mother and I have a WONDERFUL relationship. Kinda weirds people out :)
*VERY much into electronics~~PSP, Wii, computers
*loves Math, but hates (with a passion) writing. I usually don't like using the word hate, however, it fits here.  
*loves soccer and wants to play professionally when he grows up.

My 9 yr old Mark (Markers)
*also in love with electronics.
*loves wrestling....not the competition type...the WWE type.
*loves to read, but doesn't really have a specific subject (yet) that he clings to.
*loves to have responsibilities.....on his own terms..lol

My 4 yr old Trevor (TrevTrev)
*VERY rambunctious
*can tell you race car drivers if you tell him a # on the car :)
*loves to dace and sing
*will help when you ask...most of the time :)

Then last but not least, my 1 yr old Dean (DeanDean...yes, I seem to double up..lol)
*has been slow to learn things, such as walking, talking and such, but he's getting there :)
*has the cutest smile :) ...but I may be biased :)
*is spoiled by his brothers
*follows everyone around and when he figures something out, will do it over and over :)

So....now that I have "started over," I will do better :)