
Sometimes, just leave it to the professionals :)

Well, tried a recipe tonight for the family. I've watched The Pioneer Woman a few times and I thought her Sausage Pancakes sounded good. Well, don't know what I did wrong tonight, but mine didn't turn out so well :/ Both me and L were "Ehhh" on them, but Mark did say they were yummy (although tonight I think he woulda ate anything..lol) They make it look sooo easy and so nice. I gotta remember that they do re-takes and all that. Also, sometimes, I just need to leave it to the professionals :)

Also fiddled with a few crafts today. Finished up one craft for a friend of mine (can't tell or show yet, cuz I'm giving it to her tomorrow and don't want her to see it  if she happens to read this :) ) Tried messing around with my stool. Don't know exactly what I wanna do to it next...still rolling it around in my brain :) I NEED to get the boys profile pics printed so I can get their silhouette projects done.

 I do have a family project in the works. I am putting together pictures of the family even if the kids haven't ever met them or haven't seen them in a while. I can't wait til I'm finished with it. I think it's gonna be aweeesome :)

Today, I was telling Trev to pick up some toys. Then I asked him to put a few more in his room. He looked at me and said "I will always do what you say, mommy." I looked at L and said "I shoulda video taped that."

Mom and Dad aren't doing so well. Dad says their days and nights are all mixed up due to a pain shot their doctor had them go get. Hate that they can't seem to get any relief :( Well, hopefully soon I will be able to get them to a new doc and that will help them.

Well, gonna go for now. Got a snoring hubby on the couch, so I guess that's my cue that it's time to go :)