
Questions from Staci

Do you have a set way you clean your kitchen? Yeah, in a way. I do it in a certain order. I start at the outside counter around to the fridge. I guess so that the counter people see most is at least clean if I don't get around to the rest. (Never really thought about it til now lol)

What is the purpose of the Magic Erasers? Are you supposed to use cleaner too? They are awesome at getting crayon off the wall. Ross and Mark were wonder artists on my walls and Magic Erasers helped me keep my sanity. Just wet and wipe. You do have to use some elbow grease, but no cleaners

Do spend your entire day keeping house? Or just wait and clean it all at one time? I try to keep picked up all the time, but the major cleaning I do one chore a day. (When I get to them :) )

Do you get Hungry at 4 pm and 11 pm??? Depends on when I eat, but I do get hungry a lot of times at 4 no matter whne I have ate.

If you are ONE day late do you take a pregnancy test? No. I wait a bit more.

Do you ask your children if they want a spanking? Have they ever said yes? I have asked before, but haven't in a long time. Ross has said yes before....I complied :)

Do you wash your feet before you go to bed? When I take a shower at night. Otherwise no.

Do you wash your face before bed? Or just in the shower? In the shower.

Do you consider yourself artistic? Not really.

Do you change your clothes more than once to find the right outfit? Depends on where I'm going. If I don't care, then no. If I want to look good for me or my family, then most of the time yes.

Does your husband fold clothes differently than you? So differently that I don't let him fold the laundry. I get frustrated at his folding.

Does it bother you to clean your toilet? Sometimes yes, but then I gag at a lot of things.


Staci said...

yay! Thanks for doing this for me! These are not just some random things that I wanted to know, I really needed to know! I will answer on my blog now that someone else has played along... I am glad to know your answers!

How is Trevor doing?
I want to come see you two!
Tell me when a good time would be.
Or we could meet somewhere...