
Chores~ uggg

Today I did some major cleaning up. Lewis took the girls and Mark bowling and I stayed home with Trevor~ he had just fallen asleep.

Ever get in the mood to just clean? To just do as much as you can before ya drop? That's how I was today. Here's what I did:

Cleaned counters
cleaned front of stove and dishwasher
washed pans from breakfast

Living Room~
got rid of magazines

Mark's room~
got rid of small shirts
got rid of toys not played with
picked up trash
straightened toy box
made up bed
cleaned out closet of hidden toys

Kid's Bathroom~
cleaned sink of stuck toothpaste
cleaned counter
deep cleaned toilet (so nasty)

Kid's Living Room~
straighten books and coloring books
got rid of some more toys
deep cleaned coffee table (kids make it so dirty)

Dining Room~
dusted desk
deep cleaned dining table (had ketchup last night and a couple of people forgot to clean it up)

Was going to vacuum when Trevor woke up (he likes it), but didn't get the chance. I was beat when they got back home. I was proud tho that I did all this in just under 3 hours. When they got home, I took the kids on a "tour" and showed them how I had cleaned up and wanted it kept. We'll see. I still have the fridge to clean. Maybe today.


dana said...

Good job, I get in those moods sometimes and now with Aaron not working, it is easy to tell him to take the kids and get out so I can clean. You got a lot done though. Our house isn't too big and Aaron never stays gone that long. BTW Trevor is such a good looking baby, he already has changed his looks from the first pics you put up of him.