

I'm doing realllllll bad at keeping up with this, aren't I? Ok. I am going to do better from now on. I need to keep up with this!!! I can do it, I will do it. (Just pumping myself up :) )

Well, things are busy. And Trevor has kept it busier. He hasn't been much of a happy baby the last week. I don't know what else to try. I've added more Karo syrup, done gas drops, doing Gripe water (which has helped a bit), and I'm at my wits end. He doesn't like to be put down and so I end up holding him (which keeps me from my housework.) Since the gripe water, I have gotten a bit of reprieve, but not much. Even tho he's only (almost) 2months old, I would almost think he's teething. He's chewing on his hand and my shoulder, drooling, and irritable. He doesn't sleep much, causing me not to sleep much.

Also, please pray for him. One morning, at three weeks old, I realized he wasn't moving his left arm. I'd pick it up and it's would flop back down. I went to the doc and he was worried about giving him an x-ray and exposing him to radiation for no reason. So we were told to keep an eye on it. At 5 weeks old, he still wasn't moving it that much. It was better, but not back 100%. So he was sent to an orthopedic doctor. The doctor said he had only seen this right after birth, but it might be a special case. At birth, the muscles may pull away from the joint. So he gave us some exercises to do with his arm, so that when the muscles do go back to the joint, they will be ready. Sometimes they won't go all the way back, but I pray they will. He's moving it more since beginning the exercises, but again, not 100%. We go back next week to see the orthopedic doctor again, so we will see what he says then.

We are having VBS this week. Mark has gone all the nights and tonight was Ross' first night. They have loved it. At the end of the week, I will post all of the crafts they have done.

Pray for me. I don't want to go into it, but I need prayer. Thanks.