

Trevor is now 2 months old today. He doesn't go to the doctor until Friday, so I'll post his 2 month pic up when I post his "stats". Doesn't seem like it's been that long. Although some days, I'd says it's been longer hehe

Talked to my mom last night. She has broken he thumb. She fell and fractured it cuz it was sticking straight out when she landed. She has some balance problems and has fallen a lot. I just don't know how much longer her body can handle her fallen. This is actually the first broken bone she's ever has ever broken (Praise God!)

Can't believe July is almost over! This year is flying. Next month we will have one kid in High School, and one starting Kindergarten. Wow.

Mark goes on the 11th for his Kindergarten testing. That will be interesting. lol

The last two days, I think Trevor and I caught up on a weeks worth of sleep. Me and him barely moved from the bed. You'd think I had a sleeping disorder, cuz I'd wake up after 3-4 hours of sleep and still be so tired, so after Trevors bottle, we'd fall back asleep together hehe. (how's that for a run-on sentence? hehe)


native-nc said...

Isn't it amazing how our frustrations could take up a whole page?? (DVR). I can't believe you have such a range in age, um, someone could be up for mother of the year...that is if you can make until Jan 2009-lol. Anyways, pop back in so I will remember to see pics of your little one!!!!-please!