
My say to this CFA thing

I honestly didn't know if I was going to write anything about the Chick-fil-a controversy. I actually started and stopped this post a few times. But here I am :)

When this first thing with CFA first came about, I  didn't know what had happened. All I knew was my Facebook was BLOWING up with people posting saying they were going to "Eat Mor Chickin" and that they supported CFA. I couldn't figure it out, but I did figure that something "controversial" had happened. I love CFA sandwiches...they are the BOMB :)

Isn't that how it usually goes? Someone (or some company, or some group) says something that another someones or another group doesn't agree with and everyone goes ballistic? I admit, I do it too. In fact, I even copied and pasted one the other day about a comment a lady said about how SAHM's don't have "jobs." That's a big sore spot in my personal life. But that's how a lot of these things get going. A few words are said, someone doesn't like the person or group that said it, and BAM! it's all blown out of proportion.

I have family and friends who are homosexual and guess what? I love them!! You know why? Not because I support an eating establishment. But because they are who they are. Eating somewhere doesn't change how I feel about someone. I am not a judge of them, just as they are not a judge of me. I leave that to another power. We love just each other, just as it's supposed to be.

I am embarrassed at how this whole thing is being played out. I have had friends who say they support CFA and then are told they are going to Hell because of it. Well...isn't that lovely. But just as the owner of CFA had the wonderful thing of the 1st Amendment behind him, so do we all.

My good friend and I were talking about this whole thing this evening and she made a good point...so I'm stealing it :) How many of those "christians," that waited in the long lines today, that are touting their support, that are getting on that big 'ol bandwagon, were there at church tonight or will be on Sunday? Or was this just another good 'ol reason to cry out that you are a "christian?" 

Now, I am not saying that there aren't true Christians in that crowd....my problem is with the ones who just like to cause problems. And in a way, I believe that is all this CFA deal is. Lately it seems anything that is for homosexuals....watch out cause the "christians" are going to be boycotting you. If it's against homosexuals...here come the "christians" to support you.

You can stop there if you just came for my stance CFA (although I do have parting words at the end)...I'm now going on into my great childhood memories :) and some wisdom on boycotting.

I will tell you a little about boycotting, since I had to live it for a while. Remember the great Disney boycott? Wonderful, wasn't it? Ha! I was under my parents thumb at that time. And at that time, my dad was VERY bible tooting. When the great Disney boycott came around, our family jumped on, full force. And let me tell you....there is no way a boycott really works. When it first started, we didn't watch anything Disney. I remember someone saying "It was weird. You could watch COPS at that age, but not Mickey Mouse Club." 

Then, when it came out there were other companies that was connected to Disney, whether that they owned them or by association, and we wouldn't buy those products. Then it came that we had to keep a small list of who was connected to them and who we couldn't buy from. I remember one time I was in tears from not being able to buy Kraft cheese (cause if you know me, that's all I can eat). It soon got to where we would have to carry around a paper that had a two column list of companies we were not to buy from....just because we were boycotting Disney. I don't think it lasted long after it started getting to a front and back, but it did get ridiculous.

That is why boycotting doesn't work. Companies have too many "irons in the fire" ....that just not buying one product won't matter. Then if you do decide to go full force with it, you might as well just not buy anything because everything is connected somehow, someway.

Thankfully, my dad isn't like that anymore. I like to think I've rubbed off on him :) but I'm glad I have had that experience because I can see the ridiculousness of the CFA outrage of today. Go to CFA, have a sandwich, support them, but do it because CFA is a place that loves everyone. Just because the owner made the comment that he doesn't approve of homosexual marriage, doesn't mean he doesn't love homosexuals. I don't approve of my kids lieing to me....but I still love them. CFA doesn't tell homosexuals not to come eat there, not to come work there, not to come there at all. So what's the big deal?