

Dean has been slow at learning things. Not that that is a bad thing, it's just something that we have had to keep a watch on to make sure that he doesn't fall behind or anything. He squeaks right up to those "deadlines" for milestones. We have also had to learn things ourselves because we have to adapt things to learn from him. He's a smart bugger....he's just laid back and takes his time :)

First, he was slow to walk. For those that don't know, by twelve months, most children are walking. Not that some don't walk later. At eighteen months, if they can't walk, that is when you are supposed to be concerned.....well, Dean inched right up to that deadline. For a bit, he wore a brace to straighten him out....he didn't care for it and he didn't wear it long. It was to bring his stomach in and his shoulders where they were to be. It worked for what it was to do and he grew out of a little bit of what he was doing. He still has a bit of an ankle and foot problem, but we will keep watching that.

Second, he has been slow with talking. He was only saying mama and dada at twelve months, but other than that...nope. He'd grunt, but that was the extent of it. At two years old right now....you HAVE to know what he's talking about to know what he's saying :) I sometimes play around with L because L still has a problem knowing what Dean is saying. If Dean comes to me wanting something, and I know what he wants, I'll have him go to L and ask him for it. I watch as L looks at me with a deer in the headlight look :) It's funny as he tries soooo hard to figure out what Dean is saying.

Here's a bit of Dean's Dictionary: (What I can think of right this moment)
Ga: Thank you
Boo: Move
Bote: Remote
Mak: Mark
Nah: Ross
Nah: Love you (This is the reason for context :) )
Nan-know: Banana
Fred: Bread
GrodGog: Hot Dog
Zeescel: Cereal 

While I am telling you this, I am also telling you that he is a smart bugger. The agency that has helped us to make sure he is staying on track, had a PT come out. She had a bag of different activities for him to do and Dean was doing activities that she hadn't had to bring out with other kids in a long time. He was blowing thru the activities for his age, that he was actually getting to ones above what she needed to test. Maybe not figuring them out (one activity, he did NOT want to put the right shapes together), but it was the fact of him trying :)

Today, I actually heard him say "I love you" for the first time. Not the "Na". Of course now he won't repeat it and it took me about 30 second to realize he actually said the whole phrase, but he actually said it! When I tried to get him to repeat it, he said "Na"...then he said "I na"...so it'll come again....just hate it took so long for it to register :/  

Dean is my hugging, kissing, chilling, sitting in my lap, riding my back like a monkey, playing with my hair, flipping over the couch to be beside me, bringing me my drink, bringing me my pillow, bringing me my blanket, lovable child. 

This is my DeanDean :)