
Trunk or Treat

We had a Trunk or Treat at our church Sat. Here's some of our interesting youth hehe

The sky looked so pretty

Trevor had a ball. The youth and him get along so well. Well....they argue about who gets to hold him hehe

If you're in my area~ We are having a Hay Day on Nov. 1 from 9-2. There's going to be: a yard sale, bake sale, kids games, cruise in, food, pedal tractor pull, pie contest, hay rides, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. If you'd like to know more, just e-mail me. Would love to see ya there.


Staci said...

love love love the pic of trevor in the hat- makes me want to take one of Jax like that!!! Fun stuff. We hope to see you Saturday! My sister is having a birthday party at the Skating rink, so I am not sure what time we will come, but we will drop in.

native-nc said...

Where is your church? Justus LOVES hay rides & it would be nice to meet you in person!