

I'll be glad when Trevor's done teething. He's just really started and already it's driving me nutz! And he fights sleep so hard~ he cries with his eyes shut...just let go son! hehe~ so the combination isn't fun. He's getting his personality tho, so it's getting fun. He is scooting everywhere. I don't think he's gonna crawl. I think he'll go straight to walking. He already puts his feet flat to scoot around.

We've had to change Ross' medicine again. Hopefully we've found something (for right now anyways)

I wish we had to $ for the Y. I need to start working out, but with a little one, I haven't been able to. I know if I could go there, I would, cuz I wouldn't want the $ to go to waste hehe.

Keep my mom in your prayers. She has been having some seizures lately. Also, she's been falling more and that is hurting my dad's back (since he has to pick her up) It might come down to my dad having to put her in a nursing home. He don't want to~ it's killing him to even think about it~ but he knows it's getting tougher and tougher for him. So really~ be praying for them both.


Staci said...

I am praying for your mom... keep me posted please.

Staci said...

Regarding the YMCA- go get an application when its a free month to join- then apply for aid- we get 33% off our memebership and that helps a ton. I've heard of others getting more and some less, but they have a policy that no one should have to say that money is the reason they didn't join the y. They have people that GIVE money to the Y so people like ME and you can go at a better price! Just a thought. YOu would LOVE going- and I could meet you there!!! Its a great place to drop off the kids and have some ME time. They have something for kids of all ages- through 5th grade, so you could take all 3 boys!

Staci said...

Oh yeah- and tell them I referred you and I will get a month FREE! YOu can do the same too- just find others that want to join and BAAM... free month after free month- there is NO limit!

Staci said...

Okay I just wanted to leave one more comment- lol- just for fun. Cause I've left SO MANY in ONE post.