
Busy Busy

Things have been busy. This week, I had an appointment with WIC, Mark had an appointment with his psychiatrist, I had a dermatology appointment. Then I had 4 tests to take for school, 2 discussion board posts, and a journal entry. VERY busy.

Mark's psychiatrist is hopeful for the new meds he's on. Me too. He has been a lot easier to get along with. No mood swings, just having some sitting down problems. He has periods of not being able to settle down. We've been able to deal with it because, although he can't stay still, it's a lot less than it has been before. The doctor has upped it to try and make the day smoother, instead of him crashing off the meds.

The dermatologist dug deeper into one of the areas where a mole has already been removed in order to get out all the cancer cells. He then also removed another mole. There are 4-5 on my back (by a quick glance) that he would like to remove. This morning I went to take off my pressure bandage......and the gauze was STUCK to the area. I had taken a shower and it didn't loosen it. I soaked it with water by squeezing a washcloth over it. Still didn't loosen. I VERY slowly pulled on the gauze. It finally came off, but it was VERY painful. A few spots started to bleed, too. I had to let L put a bandage on it because I was so queasy from the pain and actually seeing the wound.

I did very good on my Sociology test. I made a 24 on one, a 25 on another and 21 on the last. I was preoccupied on the last one because I had a friend call me while I was taking it, I had a time limit, but was trying to be there for my friend. I still think I did good on them :) (those scores are on a 25 point maximum) I think I did well on my Literature test too. I've been making 90's on them (I keep missing just 1 question everytime), but I think this time I actually made a 100. Just gotta pass my Literature class and a College Skills class (which I've been acing also) to graduate.