We went to a CHRISTmas tree farm and got our tree. It was the first time for everyone, but me. It was great to see the kids so excited in finding a tree.
You take a hay ride thru the farm, they tell ya what's what, and then drop you off at what type of tree you want.
Sawing the tree.
"Hey, can you possibly put down the camera and help me?" hehe
"Cheese, let's go, it's COLD!" (and some people left their coats in the vehicle)
How fun. I have never had a real tree, and I have never been to a tree farm! Hard to believe since I am from NC- but I love your tree story. Its great. Lewis face is priceless with your caption of Please put down the camera and help me! It reminds me of the face that Chris gives me oh too often!
Merry CHRSTmas girl. Hope to see you over the Holiday- I will be there the 17th-29th.
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