
One Word

You can only answer with one word. No explanations.

1. Yourself: amuseable

2. Your spouse: commendable

3. Your hair: growing

4. Your mother: better

5. Your father: talkative

6. Your favorite item: tv

7. Your dream last night: nothing

8. Your favorite drink: tea

9. Your dream car: dream

10. The room you are in: getaway

11. Your ex: son

12. Your fear: losing

13. What you want to be in 10 years: younger

14. Who you hung out with last night: family

15. What you're not: unloyal

16. Muffins: chocolate

17: One of your wish list items: laughter

18: Time: late

19. The last thing you did: kiss

20. What you are wearing: pj's

21. Your favorite weather: warmer

22. Your favorite book: Peretti

23. The last thing you ate: chicken

24. Your life: busy

25. Your mood: tired

26. Your best friend: forever

27. What you're thinking about right now: snoring

28. Your car: heatless

29. What you are doing at the moment (other than the quiz): listening

30. Your summer: hot

31. Your relationship status: working

32. What is on your TV: Courtv

33. What is the weather like: cold!

34. When was the last time you laughed: hour


Nicole said...

I LOVE Frank Peretti. AND I totally feel you on the whole 10 years from now answer!!
BTW-I got here from Anna's blog.

Vickie said...

Hey Gretchen!! Thanks for telling me about the Cherry Clock. Crystal installed it for me and I LOVE it!!! Thanks again. Love ya, Vickie!!!