
No reflux

Well the radiologist said there wasn't any reflux. He was going to go back over the film to see if he missed anything, but was certain Trevor didn't have reflux. I don't believe it. The way they were testing was to see if it came right back up. Well, he doesn't always spit it right back up. Sometimes it's a while later, like a 1/2 hour to an hour later. BUT~ since having the test done, he hasn't had but one major spit up.

He has been cranky as all get out tho. Yesterday he didn't want to have anything to do with anybody. I can't believe how much crying drains you out. He's happy right now~don't know how long that'll last tho.

I'm going to Staci's today for her MK. I just hope my kids behave hehe

I can't wait til the movie Fireproof comes out. It's done by the same guys who did Facing the Giants. It's about fireproofing your marriage. Our church is offering tickets at $5 A COUPLE. Then doing a Sunday School class for it. (The movie has Kurt Cameron)