
Three Months

Trevor is now 3 months old. He is 13 lbs and 25 inches long.

He gets quiet when there is music playing or you singing. Still likes "Head and Shoulders" , but I think his favorite is "The wheels on the bus" (especially since Mommy has learned more verses :) )

Since his formula has been changed~ he smiles more and is a lot happier. His first word will be mama, we think. He's "said" it a couple of times, but it's been during crying so I don't think it counts. He does say "Mmmm" a lot hehe.

Still doesn't care for his car seat. Likes his Bumbo. Likes to have a receiving blanket to chew on, since he's starting to get a tooth. Drools like crazy hehe.

Sleeps around 7-8 hours at night. Wasn't taking naps during the day, until they changed his formula. Has made mommy happy for those naps :) Get to do some work around the house now hehe.

Loves his brothers talking to him. Mark has a "conversation" with him all the time. He makes up Trevors part. So cute. I'll get a video of it one day.

"Talking" with daddy

Trevor is now 3 months old :) 13lbs and 25 inche


Megan said...

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I want to give you lots of time to use them before they expire.
