

Didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted. So sorry

Well....I'm about fed up with Ross' teacher. Here's the latest:

About 2 weeks ago, she sent home a test that Ross had made a 50 on. It was a diagram of a flower and supposed to be a seed also. He had done the flower part, but not the seed. He was to draw it and label it. We wrote and asked how long he had to do this, since we knew he's so OCD when it comes to doing things exactly right. A week later we still hadn't heard anything. So I wrote and asked her to please see the note on that day (they have agenda books that the teachers and parents are to communicate in). Still no answer a week later.

She one day said that Ross could do his work on the computer. She had problems reading his handwriting. Well, me and Ross' stepmom said no, cuz 1)how will he get better? 2)that is the way we know something needs to be changed in his medicine.

Ross got his progress report and it had all "S" on it. Two things had "S-", but to me that was still good. Even his handwriting got an "S"

Ross' step-mom wrote a letter that told her that Ross would be going to afterschool care everyday now and to also call us about the other matter. Well, obviously, she doesn't read the agenda books. She didn't know what his stepmom was talking about.

She asked if we had requested a conference on his progress report. Well, no. If my child has all "S"s, I think he's doing great, why do I need to speak with you about it?

Well, he hasn't been doing so well in school. He's still grade level, but she's been having problems. She said that Ross has come in moody some days, crying some days. Hasn't eaten lunch. Has been sent into the hall a couple of times.

WELL~~WHY HASN'T SHE TOLD US?!?!?!?!? She hasn't ever informed us about any of this. NONE. One day she wrote about him getting in trouble and that one day not eating (cuz he was really upset about getting in trouble). But NOTHING ELSE! I told her at the very beginning to PLEASE keep us informed of his behavior because we needed to know ASAP so we could do something about it. Not one peep!! And not eating lunch~ wouldn't you think the parents should know? Not only is my child not eating, but we are paying for him to not eat! He gets his food, but she says he pushes it away. This is my child's health!!! And she's messing with it!

She also asked the stepmom about Ross' diagnoses. Does she not read all the paperwork we fill out??? We filled out 2 for the school and 1 for her classroom. Then she had the nerve to become a psychiatrist and ask if Ross started to behave like this when his father and I split. Ross' stepmom said she had to bite her tongue. She told the teacher very calmly "NO. It actually started when his father and I started dating, but it has nothing to do with that. They are sure it's bipolar, but doesn't want to label him as such at his age."

Then she also talked about his handwriting again, about how bad it was. If it's so bad......WHY give him an "S" on his progress report???? Does she not get it? She's hindering anything we can do to help him or get him help!!!! ERRRRRRRRRR.

So anyways, we are to have a conference at the school with her. I asked Ross' stepmom to ask the VP to come and sit in too (she know the VP personally), cuz I'm HOT!!! And I want witnesses (not that I'm going to do physical harm!!!) I just want someone else to hear what is going on and that I want it stopped NOW!

So, that's whats new with Ross. I'm gonna put up new pics soon. Plus Trevor's 4 month pic (he's 4 months today!)


dana said...

wow, I can so relate to alot of what you are saying.... we did alot of work this year to get an awesome team in place for Jesse so we didn't have a repeat of last year (sounds like this year for you) Hope you guys can get things resolved at this meeting. Keep us posted.