

I just had to get this off my chest. My spirit is really uneasy. I'm praying and praying for our country and it's coming years. I know that God is still on his throne. I have to keep that in the forefront.

I cried this evening as I watched the votes being recorded. I guess this all scares me. I was hoping McCain would win, tho I knew that is was a long shot. I worry about how our country will change. I know Obama is bringing "change", but I don't think it will be a good change. I see a lot of things going wrong.

I just read Crystal's blog and I agree with her. I will respect Obama, for God has put him in this place of authority. I know God has His reasons (tho I wish we knew why hehe), but I will still be in prayer for this country and the road we are about to go down.

I'm not much of a prayer. In fact, in my list of gifts, it is way down on the list. I struggle everyday with it. But this has kinda opened my eyes to how much prayer is needed. (plus the books Yada Yada Prayer Group~ but that's for another post)

Us Christians need to bond together in prayer like we never have before.


~Crystal~ said...

It all is scary, huh? But for me it's just change period...I'm not a big fan of change, no matter who is bringing it! :)