
Tired of teachers

Had to have another conference with his teacher. And because of that I had a talk with the Asst. Principle....and she's not happy with Ross' teacher. The Asst. Principle is supposed to be having a talk with Ross' teacher and letting us know what happens from it.

Last conference, the main thing we came away from it was that she was to take Ross' agenda the very first of the day..look at it for notes from us....and then write back. Well......she's not doing that.

Then she has 3 things that she doesn't look at for 9 weeks to grade, so if the kids aren't doing it...she doesn't know til then. Well, Ross wasn't doing them, so his report card showed it. We didn't even know about the things, so we couldn't have him do them. It ticked us off. She said "Well, he knew and was supposed to tell you" He's 8 years old!!! It's not his job to tell us...it's hers. And to expect a third grader to keep up with something for 9 weeks by themselves is crazy. The parents have to know!! She said she wrote about it in his agenda. I looked...nothing. So we're fed up with her.

The 3 things were~ a writing notebook~to write 3 stories a week and share one on Fri. Well he wasn't sharing, so shouldn't she have thought something then?; a math folder~doing a test every other week~ he's only done one; and a reading log~ he thought it was just something they did at school (it had places for how much he read in class) But we knew of none of these thing.s We found out about the reading log and he's been doing it since we found out about it. But we can't help him if we don't know. She doesn't seem to get that.