

Hi everyone.

This weekend has gone good. Ross is seeming to be doing better. We are just wondering if maybe the patch is a bit too strong. He whines more and gets his feelings hurt real easily. I felt sorry for him when he was here Wed. and the girls didn't want to play with him. He got over it real quick, but it pulls at your heart strings when your child feels left out. Me and him played Mario today and he was sooo happy :)

I get to go get my schoolbooks tomorrow. I'm excited hehe. I love opening new books. Even tho used books are less, I HAVE to have new books. It weird, but it drives me NUTZ to have used books.

Last night I got to have some "honey time" Me and L played cards for about 3 hours. I love playing cards with him~ even if he does beat my butt most of the time hehe.

L had to work a lot this weekend. He had to work all day Sat. and had to work some today. That's one thing about his job... sometimes he doesn't get a weekend.

I've gained 2 pounds this week. UGGG You'd think the 100 degree weather we've had this week would sweat some poundage off hehe

Ross will be turning 6 on Tues.! My baby! Getting so big. He got upset today. He told me "I don't want a new teacher this year!" I said "Mrs Huffman will be around, so you can go visit her" He said "I don't want to visit her. I want her to be my teacher forev...for a little bit longer" (he started to say forever and I think he realized that wouldn't happen hehe)

Be praying for a soldier named Matthew Jackson. I've been writing to him thru e-mail. I know it's busy over there, but I'm kinda worried. I haven't heard anything in over a month. Please pray he is ok. I don't know where he's at and he has a wife, a step-son, step-daughter, and his wife was due to have a baby girl at the beginning of July (she was having some problems at one time ). Since I haven't heard from him since 6-26, I don't know how that went.

Well I guess that's it.

Write ya later.