
I scanned pictures from my annuals. Warning:some big hair in these pictures hehe

First Grade~mom made outfit

Second Grade~Mom made outfit

Third Grade~Mom made outfit (see a pattern?)

Fourth Grade~OOOO mom let me pick an outfit myself (I don't think she knew it was picture day hehe)

Fifth Grade~ Mom made outfit again (what hair!)

Sixth Grade~ Mom learned to braid and braided my hair

Seventh Grade~Decided to try a shooorrrttt cut ~ BAD BAD BAD idea! Plus started wearin BIG earings

Eighth Grade~ wore my mom's clothes hehe

Ninth Grade~ look high lol

Tenth Grade~ my favorite

Eleventh Grade~ an ok pic

Don't have my 12th grade! I lost my annual. Hope you enjoyed seeing me thru the years :)


Vickie said...

Hey Gretchen!!Thanks for the sweet comments you always make on my blog.

I think you have a very talented Mom!!! I use to make alot of Crystal's clothes as well. My Mom did the same for me. I don't know how many times I would wake up to get ready for school and there would be a new dress hanging in my doorway because my Mom would set up all night making it for me as a surprise.

Staci said...

Oh what memories. I remember you in almost all those stages of your life! Lovin' the hair.

Stacey's said...

like what Staci said.. What memories...*lol* My mom made alot of my clothes too... you were a cutie pootie when you were little! you still are...*lol* but you know what i meant...love ya!