
My elementary school memories

I don't have any of my school pictures. I will tell some of my memories.

First Grade~ I got in trouble cuz I accidently scratched a boy on the face. He was playing with his pencil, blowing it back and forth on his desk, and I went to swipe it. I ended up scratching him.

Second Grade~ About had a heart attack on April 1. While we were in another class (computer I think), my teacher put everyone's name on the board with 3 checks. I almost fainted cuz I had only had my name on the board once (see above from 1st grade hehe) My teacher was nominated Teacher of the Year and it was in the paper. You could see me in the background and I got in trouble at home...I was caught sucking my thumb.

Third Grade~ I was a bad girl. I cheated on a states capital test. Three of us put the answers in our desk and we'd take turns looking to find answers for each other. I very much disliked geopgraphy...and as L gets such a kick out of.. I still very much dislike it.

Fourth Grade~ Don't remember much except that my teacher had a rough year. Her and her hubby got a divorce that year and it was real hard on her.

Fifth Grade~ Top Dogs of the school. Loved it. Became friends with Christina. Was ...dum dum dum...hall monitor with the cutest boy in my class (or so I thought hehe)


Staci said...

who was your 2nd grade teacher and who was the cute guy? LOL.

Gretchen said...

2nd grade teacher~ Mrs. Hinshaw

Cute guy~ Ready for this Saci?Jonathan Pate hehe He's still cute. I see him from time to time