
Hiya :)

Took Ross to the neurologist on Tues. She wanted to see him about changing his medicine. We have to have another MRI done on him, just have to see if the insurance people will let us. On his last MRI, it showed scar tissue in his frontal lobe and we want to know if something is going on with it and causing Ross to change his behavior.

Took my 4th test for American History and made a 95. I missed the very last question hehe.

I'm performing with my group Reflections of Grace this Sun. Then next Sun., I will be performing at the other church I've been attending. I'm so excited about doing it.

For Valentines Day, I was very surprised. I have not received anything in 5 years. I haven't really cared, but I always wanted him to at least acknowledge me, even with just something written on a piece of paper, but it didn't happen (and honestly I was fine with it). Well, I sat his gift next to the alarm clock for him to find before work. That morning, I had to get up to take Ross to school, so he reset the alarm. When it went off, I looked at the alarm clock and there was a gift. It was a cat from Hallmark. He is the cutest thing. There was also a card! It was so pretty and I cried the whole time I read it. I was a happy camper.

Write ya later


Anonymous said...

Surprises are the BEST! When you aren't expecting something, and then there it is! It doesn't get any better than that. I always tell my hubby that....it doesn't matter WHAT the surprise is..as long as it was from his heart, and he put some thought into it. That's what matters most! I hope you get some much needed answers on the MRI. And way to go on the test score! Awesome!

Carolanne said...

Congrats on your great test scores.
I'm glad you had such a special surprise from your husband! Lovely. :)