
Soccer mom

I am now going to be a soccer mom. :) I never thought I would be hehe. I have signed Ross up for Upward soccer. It is a Christian soccer league. They do devotions every game (and I believe every practice too). This is going to be so cool for him. He went for his evaluations today. He was very stand-offish at first, but then loosened up. They had 7 station they had to go to. Each one had a different drill for them to do. At the last station, they said he was the best one they had seen that morning. I heard that they had about 40 kids before him. He had to dribble the ball to another person, then run back as fast as he could. I was so proud of him. I think once he realized they were doing it on a point system, he was trying his hardest.

Also...... I am going to be an assistant coach. I am excited. I don't know much about soccer, but I talked with someone and he said that it won't be hard for me to learn. I might be helping with Ross' team. That'd be cool too.

Anyways, just wanted to let ya in on my wonderful news. I am sooooo excited.

Write ya later.


Kim's Life said...

Hey there Gretchen. I tried to comment on your other posts but couldnt see the word Verication.