
What's new

Let's see...

L has shingles. He developed as rash on his side. Being a man, he said he didn't want to go to the doc. Well, he called me from work today and asked me to get him an appt. The doc. said it'll take a couple of weeks to get rid of it. uggg

Ross is so excited to start soccer, but practices don't start til next month. Poor baby. He's ready now! hehe

I am going to perform at the church I've been attending. I'm excited. I have also talked to them about starting a creative ministry group and everyone I have talked to would be excited for me to do it.

I have to take another History test tomorrow. UGGG I hate test.

My oldest step-daughter wants us to throw her a boy-girl party for her b-day. I just think she's still too young for one. Maybe I'm just an old fogey. What do you think? She's turning 13 in March. She is OVERLY boy crazy.

My b-day is in 11 days. I have mixed feelings about it. My mind can't seem to grasp that I'm getting older. When I first started going to the church I've been attending, I walked into Sunday School. I thought "I don't want to be in here. These people are old." Then it dawned on me "You're not a youth anymore" Big wake-up call. hehe

I got L's V-day present already. I got him a box of chocolates that is Larry the Cable Guy and also got a hat that is his fav. basketball team.

Finally got all our paperwork for our taxes. Gotta do it sometime. MAYBE L and I can have a small getaway or something. BIG maybe. L usually ends up using the money, so I'll have to hide it hehe.

Pray for my best friend. She's going to have surgery at some point and have to have her jaw broke. She's very nervous about this. Also, she had to go to the emergency room the other night and found out her wisdom tooth was very badly decayed. She's in a lot of pain right now due to all this. Please keep her in your prayers.

I guess that's it for right now.

Write ya later


Staci said...

Thanks for the update.
Is it Christina? That is having surgery? We never get money back- we always have to pay more- but hopefully we will not owe anything this year since its our first year to have a house and a child! DEDUCTIONS! Yeah! I have my mom do my taxes, she is good- and knows what all my crazy notes mean. She does them for several people in her office. Anyway- Have a good rest of the week!