
9th Grade

From Staci's blog

Who was your best friend? Christina~ still my BFF

Who did you go out with? Chad

What sports did you play? No sports

Did you buy your lunch?Yes, the school's pizza was my favorite!

Skip school?no

Did you get suspended/expelled?Nope

What was your favorite class?Bible History

What was your school's name?East Rowan

Did you go to the dances?No

If you could go back would you?yes

Where did you sit at lunch?in the cafeteria, in the courtyard

Who was your science teacher?Mrs. Cockerl

Who was your English teacher?Mrs. Greene

Who was your history teacher?Mr. Beaudoin

Who was your math teacher?Mr. Roseman

Did you think you were cool?No

Describe your clothes?jeans and t-shirts

Did you even have a cellphone?no

What's your most memorable moment? can't think of one

What's your least favorite memories?hearing that a friend of mine was
hurt and in the hospital

What was your best accomplishments? passing hehe

What action do you regret the most?Not being a stronger/bolder witness for the Lord., not being more outgoing

What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?Spent with my youth group

Did you make any lifelong friendships?Joel~ which is a combo of school and church.


Staci said...

Glad you played along! I liked the SQUARE pizza too! It was good, had those TINY pepporoni (sp?) on them. Good stuff.

I remember the days of CHAD!!!