
He's making up for it

This pregnancy has me worried. My mom lost her 3rd child (3 days before she was born) and my grandma about died giving birth to her 3rd (my dad). Anything that happened that's "weird" to me, I get worried.

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling the baby like I normally do. He is a very active baby. It was making me nervous. Then the afternoon I started feeling him more. Well, today~ I don't think he's taken a break (I'm sure he has, just doesn't seem like it hehe), so he is more than making up for it. But I'm not complaining because I want to know that things are still ok.


Staci said...

I am glad all is well with Baby and you too. I know what you mean. I do the same things with numbers. I didn't know that your g-maw died giving birth, that is scary!