
No soccer=disappointment

We had some crazy rain tonight. So.....the soccer practice that my boys have been looking forward to for 2 months.....didn't happen. They took it better than I thought they would, but I knew they were still upset.

My house needs a good cleaning, but I can't get in the mood. We have more stuff than we actually need and just don't have to room for everything. I drives me nuts! Any hints on how to unclutter my clutter? I do go thru things every so often and get rid of things that I haven't used or needed in a while, but it never seems like it's enough. Plus, I have the husband factor~ he's a major pack rat too hehe.


Staci said...

We are doing a yard sale in the spring to de-clutter. Mom doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to attack her cabinets and clean them out! Along with the closets and drawers throughout the house!!!!