
Sermon 3-9

(Kinda late at putting these up~ I think you'll understand tho :) )

John 3:16

This is a complex world and it gets more confusing every day. There is war, disease and ultimately death.

What kind of hope can we give to non Christians in this world? The same message~ John 3:16.

No technology can ever replace us as bearers of the gospel. We were chosen as Christ's embassadors.

Assignment~ John 3:16 Learn it, Love it, Tell it.

In Bible times, Jews were the chosen and Gentiles were the "outsiders" but Jesus changed that.


Romans 5:8 ~But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Jesus has done everything necessary for us, we just have to trust and submit to His will.

God is Holy and morally perfect. God hates sin and loves us. Sin must be punished. We like that God might punish our enemies, but recoil when our own sins must be judged. God is fair and just.

Sinners are spiritually dead, physically dying. Eternal life is ours NOW

Romans 10:13~ Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


Staci said...

Yay! Thanks for posting! I am 2 weeks behind. I didn't get to take notes this week, but I did the week before.