
Pics and updates

Mark and his new pj's

Mark's 5th b-day party

Mark's handprint put up on the wall at his b-day party. His is the black handprint (and no..he doesn't have 6 fingers hehe)

Ross had pinewood derby car races yesterday. This is one where he won. His is the one that has green on it. I was proud of him yesterday. He did well even when he didn't win.

I've got a head cold that I can't shake. It's driving me nuts. It's not like I can take any kind of medicine I want to, so that makes it harder.

Mark turned 5 in January. I was very emotional cuz my little man is growing too fast. You don't really believe your parents when they tell you that you grew up too fast. Now I know what they meant. He'll be starting Kindergarten in the fall.

Mark and Ross begin soccer this Tues. I can't wait. They can't either. I think Mark has been waiting for 2 months for this and has asked everyday if he gets to go to soccer. hehe

I'm missing being in school. I hope that I'll be able to go back at some point.

At Thanksgiving, I got to see my brother that I haven't seen in 7 years. I missed him.

I'm sure there's other things to say, but I've gotta lay down. I'll be back :)