
Home early

Mark got home last night. Although I missed him, he started arguing almost as soon as he got home. Oh well. Hopefully once he gets back into schedule, things will calm down.

Trevor has been fussy the last two days. I'm at my wits end. Don't know what else to do. Pray that I have patience. He's sleepin ok at night, but I need him to be better during the day.

Anyone been here? She does a $5 CVS challenge each week. It's to help newbies learn the CVS game. You try and get as much as you can in no more than 3 transactions and spend no more the $5 OOP (out of pocket~ I have learned that lingo :) )

One more week until school starts. It starts on the 25th. My brother, who lives in Ga, said my nephew and niece started Aug 4th. That's how early we used to start. Now it gets later and later every year.


dana said...

I think it is just Michigan, but we dont start till after labor day, we dont go back till Sept. 2nd... this started not too long ago, but I am beyond ready for school... I will miss them, but they need other kids to play with, we live out in the boonies and they only have each other.