
I forgot to tell ya

I fell down my back stairs the other night. I was going out to my vehicle and it was raining. I hit a slick spot and down I went. I hit a vein or artery on my leg and it immediately started to pop up. I also hit my foot where I had bunion surgery 2 years ago. That place and my big toe was numb for a few hours that night. My leg still hurts and I am sore all over.

BUT~ I thank God that I didn't break anything. When I landed, my right leg was in a weird position. I was afraid I had broke something, cuz I couldn't move it at first. Then I had to get myself up and back into the house, cuz Lewis hadn't heard me and it was raining pretty good.


dana said...

Are you starting to feel better? I hope you are back to your "normal" (I hate using that word) self soon. Keep us posted on how you are feeling.

That baby is getting so big. I love this age when you start to see a little personality too. He is too cute.

Staci said...

I had a fall last week too! Maybe its the weather and lack of sleep. Either way, I'm with you- I'm thankful that I didn't break anything either.