
Trevor has been doing so well. He had a bit of colic, but I thought it had actually went away. Or at least we seemed to have it under control. We used Gripe Water and it seemed to do the trick. Well, Saturday was a TERRIBLE day. He didn't take a nap all day. He was either spitting up or crying and making his body stiff. I gave him the Gripe Water twice, but didn't give him anymore because it seemed like right after I gave it to him, he ended up spitting it up. He did sleep for 9 hours tho.

Today, he did ok in the morning, but toward afternoon, it was like Saturday. I was afraid to give him 4 ounces at one time, cuz around noon he starting spitting up whatever he ate. So he was eating 2 ounces every hour to hour and 1/2.

I hope he sleeps well tonight and I pray that tomorrow will turn a corner. Mommy is getting frustrated. It's like whenever it seems as tho things are going good and seeming to calm down around here, something else happens. Ugg