
Finish This Sentence...

My Home is......
VERY messy. I need a lot of more time to clean out the clutter.
I am listening to....
COPS on TV. I'm a BIG CourTv fan
Maybe I should...
exercise and get off of the couch more :)
I love it when...
I feel as tho I've done a good job~whether it be making a good grade at school or getting our kitchen counter clean :)
My best friend...
Chrissy Maye (Christina~she gets annoyed when I call her Chrissy Maye :) ) We've been friends for about 16 years and I don't know what I'd do without her there for me. Luv you!!
I don't understand...
people that go around with frowns all the time. A smile can make a person's day!
I lost...
a lot of self esteem since I've gained weight and have no energy/desire to get up off the couch.
People say...
Mark is so well behaved. HA~come home with me someday!
The meaning of my blog name is...
from Shakespeare. I once was in a theatre group and we had to say sit on the floor, legs off the floor in front of us, and say/scream this whole thing making sure not to touch the ground and use our diaphram. Sometimes we had to start over. Let me tell ya~that worked the ab muscles!
Love is...
wonderful and unconditional
Right now, somewhere, someone is...
smart and asleep :)
I will always...
be a kid at heart. Life is supposed to be fun!(plus I'm easily amused)
Once upon a time I...
wanted to be a teacher.
I never want to...
lose my sense of humor.
My personal motto is...
patience is a virtue (drives L crazy!)
When I wake up in the morning...
I go potty and then get Mark out of his room
I get annoyed when...
L doesn't hear a word I say. I know it's a man thing, but it drives me absolutely crazy
People always...
judge people tooo much
I sing...
to whatever I can.
Hugs are the best when....
they are given as "2 armed hugs" I can't stand when I'm hugged with just one arm. It seems as tho you'd rather not be hugging me
Today I...
got aggravated with Mark (REALLY bad)Guess I forgot my personal motto hehe
Tomorrow I will...
try and work better on my nerves and not let Mark get on them
I really want...
one more child (I'm crazy right?)
If my girls/boys were born the opposite sex, I would have named them. . .
Deatra LeeAnn. My sister died 3 days before she was born. This was her name. I asked my mom permission to name my daughter that if I ever had a daughter.
I figure everyone's gonna do this, so I won't tag anyone :)