
My 3 Things list

3 Things that scare me:
Being in closed areas (VERY claustrophobic! even tight hugs get to me!)

3 People that Make me Laugh:
My hubby
Myself (I'm easily amused hehe)

3 Things that I LOVE:
Going to school and learning new things
Doing crafts
Sitting in a hammock (even tho I don't have one yet!!!)

3 Things I Don't Understand:
Why people have to be mean to others
Why people can't say a kind word to others
Why my hubby can't understand that our family doesn't have to have a lot of money to have fun and create lasting memories

3 Things on My Desk:
Vaseline (only thing that helps my DRY feet)
cup of tea
My Christian bracelet (I'll have to post it sometime~a cool story to go with it)

3 things I'm Doing Right Now:
Getting onto Mark for jumping on the bed
Trying to ignore the cartoons on TV
Getting onto Mark for turning the TV on and off

3 Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
goodness..just 3?
Go abroad to some Spanish speaking country
Go back to Gatlinburg Tn (determined to do that in the next 5 years!)
Go on a cruise

3 Things I Can Do:
Listen/be a good friend
Play piano

3 Things That Describe My Personality:
Good friend
As I mentioned before~easily amused :)
lovable (most of the time hehe)

3 Things I Can't Do:
Keep my house clean (something about 3 foot tall keeps messing it up hehe)
Get my mind to slow down when it's time to go to sleep
Live without my family

3 Things I Should Listen To:
My hubby
My "gut"/heart (I do a pretty good job of it)

3 Things I Should Never Listen To:
My brain (I over analyze too much)
Snobby people

3 of My FAVORITE Foods:
Did I mention~Pizza :)

3 Things I'd Like To Learn:
A ballroom dance~waltz or something like that
Sign Language (I know some, but want to learn more)

3 Beverages That I Drink Regularly:
the only beverage around our house

3 Shows I Watched As A Kid:
Saved by the Bell
Perry Mason (watched it before nap time while my mom ironed)
Davey and Goliath (anybody remember this?)

3 People I tag:
I don't have anyone to tag :( everyone's done this by now hehe


Staci said...

I liked your list. Thanks for playing!