
What a weekend!

Can't we ever have just a relaxed weekend????

Fri. was ok. Nothing really happened. Lewis got off work, went got the girls, came home, went back to work til 3AM.

Sat.~it starts getting better. First, I had Reflections of Grace practice. It went real good. I get back home. The rest of them (Lewis, Ashley, Emily) want to go to the fair. So we go to have supper at Wendy's. Took us forever to get Mark to eat. Finally, we get to the fair. Geez, it was hot! I never got to ride a ride with Lewis :( I did get to ride 2 rides with Mark. Poor boy, he wanted to ride some rides his sisters were riding~but he was too short. Ashley met up with a friend of hers and went off with her. Then we got back together with her. Finally left at 10PM

Got home. Our church needed some CD jewel cases for VBS crafts. Well...Lewis had almost 100 of them (technically 98 of them), so I sat on the couch taking the papers out of them til 1:30AM. If you have taken the papers out of your CD case, you know how tough it is sometimes. My poor thumb was sore by the time I finally got thru. Then Lewis remembered he needed to fix something for the family reunion the next day. Got to bed at 2AM, asleep after 3AM.

Sun~Got up at 8:30AM. Got myself ready for church. Then the girls needed their hair washed. So while they did that, I got Mark ready. Finally left the house at 9:20. Got to church. Had a bit of practice for our performance at the 11 o'clock service. Then performed. After church, off to the family reunion. Left and went to the nursing home. Saw Lewis' grandmother (his mom's mom). Went to Food Lion to get pull ups for Mark and get some flowers from the dollar store for the girls to put on MawMaw's grave. Went to MawMaw's grave. Go home.

Now, the day is almost 100 degrees. Our Expedition doesn't have very good A/C. IT decides when it wants to work. So we are soooo looking forward to getting into A/C. We walk into our house and....the house is soooooo hot. You can barely breathe. Lewis looks at the thermostat and it says 84 degrees. We both say "Don't tell me our A/C is broke!" The girls look at our clocks~~our power is out AGAIN!!!! The 3rd!! time in 2 weeks. This is 4PM. I call the 1800 number for Duke Power and they say the power won't be on til........10PM!!!! As good as we can figure it (the way things had been recorded on our DVR), it had been off since 11AM.
So we had to go to my FIL's house. The girls mom came and got them at 6PM and Lewis went to work for a bit longer. At 9:15, I decided to go back home. Inside was terrrrribbbbleeee!! It was 89 degrees. I opened 5 windows. I then went and put Mark to bed. I opened his window and asked him if he still wanted a blanket and he said yes! Not even 5 minutes later, he was gone to la-la land. How, I will never know. At 9:48.....the power came back on (THANK YOU GOD!) I hope this doesn't happen again for a VERY long time!

I'll write about today, tomorrow. Then I'll be caught up :)

**A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein
**The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year
**The electric chair was invented by a dentist (makes you really fear the dentist now hehe)
**The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
**A ten gallon hat holds 3/4 of a gallon

Write ya later