
SOME good news

In my "pity party" I forgot that I did have some good news.

I FINALLY got my toaster oven. I do surveys, get points, get things. I have gotten a DVD player, a book light, and a toaster over now. I am so happy. I've wanted a toaster oven for a while now....finally got it. Cinnamon Toast for breakfast tomorrow :)

I registered for 3 of my classes: Intro. to Criminal Justice, Literature Based Research~both thru internet~ and Forensic Psychology (sounds cool). I have to re-take the Math placement test and if I pass it, I'm hoping to add College Algebra

Jeff (Ross' dad) and his wife, Geri, have welcomed a new baby boy into the world tonight at 11:09 pm. Ross is so excited. Jeff said that Ross looked at the baby and said "Ok. We can keep him" hehe

Ok~just wanted to add some good news on here.

Write ya later.