
Good Weekend

I had a good weekend overall. Ross was so great! He was like a new kid! My MIL came over Sat. evening. OHHH she upsets me! We went out to eat last night. Then today we had a family reunion. All the kids were together (been a long time). Then I took Ross home and I went and saw Lewis' grandma. Then came home and finished my homework for tomorrow.

Last night, my MIL asked where we wanted to go eat. We figured it out and then Lewis and I changed clothes. I came out of the bedroom and the boys came up to me and said "Can we go to Chuck E Cheese's?" I said "No." MIL looked at Mark and said "We'll see what daddy says when he comes out" OOOOOOO I was sooo mad. Then I was pretty much ignored the rest of the time she was here. It gets to me!!

Anyways~I was leaving to take Ross home and Mark wanted a hug. Mark got so excited to give Ross a hug that he leaned too far and Mark and Ross went tumbling down our steps~to concrete stepping stones below. I screamed and Lewis came out. They were ok, but it was scary for a minute or two. (second time Mark has had a hard landing~he tumbled down about 15 steps to concrete floor in my MIL garage in Fla. He was fine then too~tough boy!)Ross and I got into the Expedition and I told him how proud I was of him this weekend. and he told me~"I had fun.....until that last part!" I cracked up laughing. He's a cool kid (when he's not in a mood).

Lewis' grandmother is really bad. She is in so much pain. We know she is ready to go home to the Lord. She is confused most of the time, when she's not hurting so bad that all she's doing is moaning, or asleep because of the pain medicine. Lewis had a tough time last night seeing her. Her name is Marian Mowery~please pray that the Lord takes her home soon. We are wanting her out of this terrible pain.

Weeellll~that's all for now

Write ya later