
Tell Me...

What ya think about my new background. Is it too much? I was on here today changing my blogspot and myspace. Needed something new :)

I did some of the chores I had thought of for today. Didn't do as many as I had planned....Oh well. I have more days :) I mainly need to take some things to GoodWill. That would help a lot hehe

Lewis' first day back at Salisbury Lumber went ok. He was in a good mood when he was home tho! We FINALLY got our grassed mowed. He's been needing to do it for a week now (I say he cuz neither him nor my FIL let me mow. A man thing I guess)

Mark did good for me today. I was real happy. OH~~He is in big boy underwear now. I think his pull-ups were just not working out for him. I think he thought that it was just a different type of diaper. He had 2 accidents today (just pee), but I expected that. He was upset about it tho. I am just dreading the time he poops in them instead the toilet.

Reflections of Grace (the group I'm in at church) are performing on Sunday. I can't wait. It's going to be so good. I think Lewis is coming. For those of ya that don't know~I have a problem getting him to church. Hopefully now that he is back at a 1st shift job, I will be able to again.

My mom is home from the hospital. The test didn't show anything wrong. They told her that the amount of medicine that she was taking was TOO much for her age. They cut a lot of her medicine out. Hopefully, that will be the problem. If it's not, I don't know what they will try next. I didn't get to talk to my parents today, but a friend of theirs told me this. Mom said she'd call me tomorrow (doubt it hehe).

**Brazil got it's name from the nut, not the other way around
**Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to SLOW a film down so you could see his moves
**If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom (why couldn't they just say "bobbing up and down" I don't know hehe)
**In Ancient Peru, when a woman found an 'ugly' potato, it was the custom for her to push it into the face of the nearest man
**In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette

Write ya later


Staci said...

I love your background! Where did you get it? Its great!!! Sorry I have not been reading, I have my family still in from NC, so I've not had a lot of computer time!

Gretchen said...
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Gretchen said...

If ya click on the Blogger templates on the side, it'll take ya to a bunch of backgrounds. I cheated. I saw Nicole's new background and since I was bored with mine~I went looking where she got hers.
I just can't figure out how to have my comment come up in a seperate box. I have the box checked, but it doesn't do it.
No problem about not reading. I have tooooo much time on my hands~already driving me nutz hehe.